Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Teaser Tuesday/Wednesday 22/4/15

This is a bit late... oops.

This week I'm reading the demon collector by Jon Mayhew


Aldorath was a young demon who loved nothing more than making mortals dissatisfied. It was all he lived for.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Demon storm by Justin Richards review

Sorry about not being on all that much. Been busy with lots of stuff, got my exams coming up so this blog might not be fully active but I will do my best.

Demon Storm
There is an unseen world most people can't begin to imagine... unless they can see the ghosts.

Ben's sister Sam saw them all the time. Then she looked into the Judgement Box and that's when Ben life changed forever.

Would you look into the-judgement Box? Would you dare? If you can see what's inside then maybe you have what it takes to join...

The School of Night

Demon storm- The terror is only just beginning.

This was a brilliant book. Many twists and turns happening. It's a action packed book and with some bits of humor to it as well.The plot line is that there are people with a gift called the sight. They can see demons when no-one else can. When ordinary people look inside the judgement box it's appears empty but there is a demon inside. The book has questions to be answered in the sequel which is out so I will be reading that. I can't think of anything bad to say about this book. I'm glad to give this book a 5 star rating

    Next review the demon collector by Jon Mayhew